Our Partners & Courses

Our partnerships delivered STEM experience straight from industry to classroom. Explore below to learn how our programs helped students grow.

Speaking College

Derek Savick-Hesser
Derek Savick-Hesser
Erika Huber
Erika Huber

Agile Meridian

Chris Daily
Chris Daily


Rick Clemons
Rick Clemons

Our Courses

Speaking College

Key Learning Outcomes: Time Management, Organization, Productivity

In this two-part course, students will discuss how organization leads to productivity. Students will evaluate their current level of time management against their ideal time management goals. Students will outline a personal organizational strategy for at least one aspect of their life (e.g. academics, personal). Students will examine the benefit of everyday apps and technology tools to their selected organizational strategy.

Key Learning Outcomes: Career Planning, Post-Secondary Education Preparation

In this two-part course, students will list at least 3 options for available post-secondary pathways. Students will identify an initial career goal and their personal rationale. Students will explain how to select a postsecondary program based on their career goals. Students will utilize degree maps to determine a major aligned with their personal career-goals.

Key Learning Outcomes: Career Research, Goal Setting

In this two-part course, students will name careers they are aware of in the technology field Students will brainstorm future career possibilities as the technology field evolves. Students will determine the educational pathway aligned with the identified technology career. Students will identify 3 action steps to start exploring a career of interest after the session.

Key Learning Outcomes: Career Planning, Goal Setting, Networking

In this two-part course, students will examine the Core 40 Pathways and aligned high schools. Students will construct a 4-year plan. Students will discuss multiple ways to earn college credit as part of their high school plan. Students will identify courses that will allow them to continue career exploration. Students will describe how to build beneficial relationships with essential high school staff and mentors.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Networking

In this two-part course, students will learn how to ask questions to choose activities that will benefit their career or educational explorations. Students will identify one extracurricular within their high school they would like to explore. Students will identify one activity, club, or organization they would like to join.

Key Learning Outcomes: Financial Literacy

In this two-part course, students will examine the realities of prices associated with current and future needs and wants (e.g. cars, houses, groceries, technology). Students will be able to identify banking options available to them now. Students will know the difference between debit cards and credit cards.

Key Learning Outcomes: Goal Setting, Personal Development, Critical Thinking

In this two-part course, students will identify how well-known professional personalities and celebrities have created their public image through their brand. Students will vocalize how they would like others to view them. Students will describe what character they need to exhibit to align with their desired self-image. Students will list current and future actions they will take to create a positive image.

Key Learning Outcomes: Nettiquete, Social Media Management

In this two-part course, students will describe the use of social media in career exploration and attainment. Students will discuss behaviors to engage in and avoid when using social media. Students will name commonly used social media platforms and their uses within career searches. Students will share one regular social media tactic they will use for their career exploration and attainment.

Key Learning Outcomes: Community Building, Critical Thinking, Goal Setting

Students will identify their personal obstacles to asking for help.Students will identify areas they need support in their educational/career goals. Students will name 3 individuals they can ask for obtaining their identified educational/career goal support needs. Students will note vocabulary to effectively ask for and actualize support.

Key Learning Outcomes: Nettiquete, Community Building, Professional Communication

In this two-part course, students will note vocabulary to help them confront difficult conversations with peers. Students will articulate how to be a good friend on social media. Students will recall examples of times they showed support to friends and others within and outside their immediate peer groups. Students will list when they should reach out to trusted adults to help support their friends.

Key Learning Outcomes: Proactivity, Critical Thinking

Students will identify a $100 solution that will address an issue in their community. Students will name at least one personal daily action to affect peoples’ lives positively. Students will list three people in their life who have positively influenced their life.

Agile Meridian

Key Learning Outcomes: Community Building, Technology

In this course, students will be provided an introduction to the instructor, the workshops, and the workshop agreements. Students will be introduced to basic agile concepts via playing the Ball Point Game.

Key Learning Outcomes: Design, Creativity, Community Building

In this two-part course, students will be introduced to Gather.town and will sign in and create their respective avatars. Students will have an opportunity to explore Deliver Amazing with their individual avatars.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Skill Development, Self Reflection

This three-part course will introduce students to the foundations to learning Scrum and Kanban.

Part One: Students will work on their self-discovery of personal agility.

Part Two: Students will continue their self-discovery of personal agility.

Part Three: Participants will complete their self-discovery of personal agility.

Key Learning Outcomes: Teamwork, Critical Thinking, Project Management

In this twelve course, students will explore the relationship between the “what,” “who,” and “why” in the project journey.

Part One – Three: Students will be introduced to the Product Journey Loop and will work alongside their team to examine the “why” for their space.

Part Four – Six: Students will be introduced to the Product Journey Loop and will work alongside their team to examine the “who” for their space.

Part Seven – Ten: Students will be introduced to the product journey loop stage of “what” they are building and work alongside their team to examine the “what” for their space.

Part Eleven: Students will have the opportunity to expand their personal time management into their respective team environment.

Part Twelve: In this session, using their “why”, “who”, and “what”, teams will build their initial list of features of their respective Gather.Town space.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Creativity

In this course, students will play the Lean Pizza Game where we will explore lean and agile concepts.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Self Reflection

In this course, students will complete the DISC Survey.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Skill Development

In this three-part course, students will explore how to build spaces in Gather.Town.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Self Reflection

In this course, students will complete the Parin Survey.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Self Reflection

In this four part course, students will participate in the DISC workshop presented by Purpose HQ. 

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Skill Development

In this eight-part course, students will explore how to build spaces in Gather.Town by working with their teams to identify iteration goals, continue building their cities, and demo their completed work to identify future improvements.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Skill Development

In this four-part course, students will participate in the Parin workshop presented by purpose HQ.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Skill Development

In this eight-part course, students will continue exploring how to build spaces in Gather.Town by working with their teams to identify iteration goals, continue building their cities, and demo their completed work to identify future improvements.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Skill Development

In this two-part course, students will finish constructing their towns in Gather.Town and complete a retrospective review of their projects.

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Public Speaking

In this two-part course, student teams will demonstrate their entire space for the attendees and celebrate the completion of the program. 


Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Skill Development

In this three-part course, students will be introduced to the Raspberry Pi, high level electricity (circuits, current, etc.), electrical component hardware, and what programming is. 

Key Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Skill Development

In this three-part course, students will continue to learn Raspberry Pi capabilities and Python development. Students will learn how to plan document, design, and build skeleton code before building first application.